Steps to get OAuth Playground working for Google Latiude
Step 1: You must have a domain registered with Google here: accounts/ManageDomains
This is how Google identifies your application, even if it's an installed program, not a web app. Once your domain is registered, take note of your OAuth Consumer Key and OAuth Consumer Secret, you'll need them later.
Step 3 :
This is how Google identifies your application, even if it's an installed program, not a web app. Once your domain is registered, take note of your OAuth Consumer Key and OAuth Consumer Secret, you'll need them later.
You can also register at google appengine if your creating an application and don't have a domain .
Step 2: Now you can go to the OAuth Playground:http:// playground/
Scope: Nothing checked
Input your own:https://www.googleapis. com/auth/latitude
Modify OAuth Parameters
oauth_signature_method: HMAC-SHA1
oauth_consumer_key: <yours from domain registration>
consumer secret: <yours from domain registration>
oauth_token_secret: <blank>
oauth_token: <blank>
Click "Request Token." oauth_token_secret and oauth_token are now
filled in, and you have an unauthorized request token.
filled in, and you have an unauthorized request token.
Step 4 :
Google Latitude uses a different Authorization endpoint than other
Google services!
When you click the "Authorize" button, your browser will redirect to accounts/OAuthAuthorizeToken& oauth_token=token....
Google services!
When you click the "Authorize" button, your browser will redirect to
Keep the oauth_token parameter the same, but change the URL, and add
Keep the oauth_token parameter the same, but change the URL, and add
the Latitude-specific parameters discussed in the "Using REST"
document: com/apis/latitude/v1/using_ rest.html#auth
Once you're on that Authorization Service page, click "Grant access."
You'll be redirected back to OAuth Playground
Once you're on that Authorization Service page, click "Grant access."
You'll be redirected back to OAuth Playground
Step 5:
You can now exchange your Authorized Request Token for an Access
Token. Click the "Access Token" button.
You can now exchange your Authorized Request Token for an Access
Token. Click the "Access Token" button.
If it fails just redo the steps and I think it should be fine .
Step 6 :
In the Drop down box Slect Get Option and enter the URL
This should return you a JSON result that will return your current location .
Actually Google gives you different options to set location
1) Either through a GPS enabled mobile phone or
2) You can set it manually using the iGoogle Latitude widget .
I hope this will be helpful for someone who is creating Apps with
Google Latitude Api